Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Jackson Spalding PR Exchange Program

Background: On January 25, 2008, I received wonderful news from Bo Spalding and Glen Jackson, the principals of Jackson Spalding, the communications firm where I have worked now for nearly six years. I would be the first participant in an annual exchange program with one of our partner firms in PROI (Public Relations Organisation International), an international partnership of locally owned independent public relations and marketing firms. Throughout the month of April, Jackson Spalding would host Anouk Bartels from Van Luyken Communicatie Adviseurs in Haarlem (near Amsterdam), The Netherlands, and I would spend the month of June there in turn.

The posts shared here are meant to capture the highlights of my experience in Holland for you, my family and friends, and of course, for my family at Jackson Spalding!
Veel Plezier!

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