Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Food from Heaven

Tuesday Barbara took me to the Rotterdam Market, where I ate my first Stroopwaffle - fresh off of the griddle (delicious) and then we went to Albert Hein, the grocery store.

I spent most of my time in Albert Hein on the hagelslag aisle. (Imagine that.) You could say that the hagelslag aisle has replaced the cereal aisle as my favorite grocery aisle of all time. You just don't understand - there are tons of different, delicious kinds! Hans Weijel (another Van Luyken boss) and Anouk helped me translate the word hagelslag yesterday and it literally means "hail coming down from the sky"or something along those lines -- and I agree indeed that this stuff comes down to us straight from Heaven!

The "B" words on this grocery aisle sign mean "stuff you can put on your bread." (Incidentally, the bread here -- fresh, of course -- is also fabulous.)

Marry me, hagelslag!!!!


Joanna said...

I think you need to bring boxes of this stuff home with you. I cannot imagine chocolate sprinkles at every meal. No wonder those Dutch people are so merry!

Unknown said...

Yes, bring home the Hagelslag - sans chocolate for me.